Showing posts with label clarity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clarity. Show all posts

Sunday, 8 June 2014


Don't let the "gray goo" become you.

Let's face it, life is a confusing and frustrating place to live at times, if not most of the time!
Modern life is a chaotic assault of fast paced confusion, finding your own pace and clarity can be difficult.

One flaw we have as humans, is we tend to over complicate everything. We are not always adept and picking the most simple route and sticking to it. We like to create drama, we like to make things "exciting". The other problem is that once we are in this cycle of living keeping pace, complicating everything and running around, its really hard to stop and slow down. I know so many people that come into work on a Monday morning and only talk about everything they had to do on the weekend! How has it become that the only spare time we have off from work, we fill with more work?
Fair enough, I understand we all have priorities, but looking after yourself should be right at the top of that list. Else, if you're not on top of your game, then yet again, everything just becomes more complicated.

You need to take time, as often as possible, to seek clarity. Stepping back and evaluating situations, trying to see them from the outside perspective can have a massively positive effect. Often, the most simple solution to most problems is readily available, but due to our chaotic and rushed lives, we miss it. However, if we allowed ourselves that time to stop, take stock, evaluate and then act, we'd see it first time round.

When it comes to problem solving, whether it be at work, or in daily life, we have a tendency to try and think of every possible solution and the merits of each etc etc etc, over complicate again. Is it not easier to stop, take stock, find the first solution that you think will work, then go for that? If it doesn't work we repeat the process when we reach the next problem! But this over complicated "what about this, this, this or this?" approach usually tends to lead to yet more over complication and confusion.

At first it can be hard to train yourself to stop and seek some clarity, it can feel inefficient and useless, but in effect, taking time to free yourself and your mind from the "gray goo" of life can save time and your metal health!

Right, now hurry up, go relax!